Wednesday, January 27, 2010
16 week doctor visit
We went to the doctor again yesterday for our 16 week visit. I was really hoping she would do another ultra sound or something, but instead it was the usual. She checked the heart rate, 150-160. I started to worry but then she said it was healthy and normal. I thought it was weird though since it dropped so much from last time. I was glad when she said it was normal. The baby has been moving so much more now. I feel it everyday! I think it is going to be a night owl, which is probably not a good sign. During the day, it doesn't move much but at night it goes crazy! I think the other night it was moving while I was sleeping. I remember having dreams about it, weird right? Anyways, I am hoping that I can get my bf Krystal's dad to do another ultra sound video soon. It has been driving me crazy not seeing it! I think they need to do more ultra sounds than just your initial visit and at 20 weeks. I have started a list with all my classes to see what they think I am having. It is funny to see the students trying to guess and using old wives tales they have heard. Some I have never heard of, they are cracking me up. So far, I think they are leaning more towards a boy, but one class was like 12 for girl and 2 for boy. I go back to the doctor Feb 23rd. I wrote the date on the board for them to see and they can stop asking me when I find out the gender. I am so excited! I wish we could do the 3D/4D ultra sound now. They can determine the gender for you as early as this week or 17 weeks. We are going to wait though until the baby's features are more developed so we only have to go once. It is kind of expensive and we don't want to pay for more than one trip. Also, morning sickness hasn't gotten any better. We told the doctor and she said I was strange lol. Most people have morning sickness really bad their first trimester and then it goes away their second trimester. Mine has been the opposite. I am really hoping that as the pregnancy continues, the sickness will go away. Well, my hubby just got home so I am out 'til next time!
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Here I am 15 weeks pregnant. My entire tummy is growing! On my weekly email it says that the baby is the size of a navel orange. I didn't realize how big that was until we went to the store today. I saw the oranges and was totally blown away. No wonder my stomach is growing so much. In my Zumba class that I teach, I feel really awkward. Each week has some of the same members but also new members. I am sure they are asking themselves why they are taking a class from a fat person lol. I am ready to start looking pregnant instead of fat. Jordan has been busy reading his new book "Parenting for Father to Be" and he is telling me all of what to expect. :) He told me that close to the end of this month, I should start looking more pregnant. I am so ready! We went today to meet with Donna Cummings. Her place is really pretty, out on Lake Jacksonville. We were looking at pictures and I was getting so excited! I love her maternity pictures! She uses fabric to drape and they are very personal and intimate. They were really sweet. Her baby pics were really cute too. I am so ready now for the maternity pics! She took us around back where her yard goes into the lake. It was really nice and in the spring she has dogwood trees that bloom. She also lives across the street from Patrick Dempsey and pointed out his house to us. I thought it would be nicer but maybe it is on the inside. It is a blue house that has that panelling, what is that called? Anyways, I like brick better and actually thought her house was prettier. We both really liked her a lot and can't wait to get started on pictures!
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Baby Shopping!
So the other day I was lying in bed and I started hyperventilating. I was thinking "Holy crap, I am into my 4th month and we have nothing in our babies room. We haven't even started unloading the room to get it ready for the baby. We have all this junk in storage and all these things that we don't need that are just things that we can't seem to part with. We have this mirror that is hideous that goes with one of our dressers. It is so ugly that I do not have it sitting on top of the dresser, but Jordan still won't get rid of it. Anyways, so then I was thinking that not only do we not have anything in the room, but we haven't bought anything yet either! I started going through our check list of the basics and really started freaking out. We had not bought much less looked at the car seats or strollers that we are interested in, we haven't bought a crib, or a rocker. While I understand that these are not a lot of things, they are the ones that cost the most money and I do not expect people to purchase these things for us. I was telling my grandmother of my little panic attack yesterday and out of nowhere she tells me she has two rocking chairs and I can take my pick of them! While most people are wanting the new gliders I am real traditional and want a traditional babies room with the old rockers and heirloom style furniture. I have not been able to find any of the old regular rocking chairs. I went with my grandmother to show me the two I had to choose from and there was the rocking chair I had pictured for the nursery! I almost started crying and immediately felt relief that I had at least one thing for the baby. Today Jordan helped me eliminate more of the fear when we went and put a crib on layaway. I took pictures of the cribs we are going with. Both are the same price so when we find out what the sex of the baby is, we can determine which of these we will end up with.

This crib is my favorite but is rather on the girly side. I love the details in it and the color is adorable. I also took pictures of the detail since it was hard to see in that picture.
This picture shows the headboard of the crib and the next one shows the detail on the legs.
This other picture shows the crib we will exchange it for if it is a boy. It is a sleigh style crib that we will have to order so the color can be changed. It is really pretty as well and is Jordan's favorite.

Now that we actually have some things for the baby I am not so anxious and panicky. I am able to relax a little. I am lucky Jordan is a patient person and is capable of calming me down. We also bought me a vaporizer at Wal-Mart today that I am really excited about starting to use. It should help me breathe better at night. My allergies have gotten worse during the pregnancy so I am willing to do anything I can. It is getting really old coughing and getting sick each week. I also got netipot that I am kind of anxious about. I am scared to use it and have it come out my mouth and causing me to get sick lol. I guess I need to be by the toilet just in case. Anyways, hopefully with both of those and my tylenol and benadryl I will be able to survive.

This crib is my favorite but is rather on the girly side. I love the details in it and the color is adorable. I also took pictures of the detail since it was hard to see in that picture.

This other picture shows the crib we will exchange it for if it is a boy. It is a sleigh style crib that we will have to order so the color can be changed. It is really pretty as well and is Jordan's favorite.

Now that we actually have some things for the baby I am not so anxious and panicky. I am able to relax a little. I am lucky Jordan is a patient person and is capable of calming me down. We also bought me a vaporizer at Wal-Mart today that I am really excited about starting to use. It should help me breathe better at night. My allergies have gotten worse during the pregnancy so I am willing to do anything I can. It is getting really old coughing and getting sick each week. I also got netipot that I am kind of anxious about. I am scared to use it and have it come out my mouth and causing me to get sick lol. I guess I need to be by the toilet just in case. Anyways, hopefully with both of those and my tylenol and benadryl I will be able to survive.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Start of the Second Trimester

At the beginning of this week my allergies started to flare up again. I have got to buy a vaporizer or humidifier, I cannot breathe! My tummy feels like it has grown each day. My students are so observant, maybe a little too much. One of my girl students tells me each day what has grown. Today, she told me that my tummy was so cute, haha. I feel like I have been so lucky not having morning sickness this entire time. However, now that the first trimester is over and I am into the second trimester I was thinking that I would really start feeling good. On my way to work today I was eating a couple of pieces of toast with jelly. Not even 2 minutes after I had finished the second piece of toast, I started gagging. I was like, really? You have got to be kidding me. Luckily I was in the far lane so I could pull into the turn lane fast. Thank goodness because I did end up having to pull over. On the way I called Jordan and he said he would bring me breakfast since I didn't have time to stop on the way to work. I was so happy when he brought me a chick-fil-a chicken biscuit and hash browns. mmmm, maybe that is why the baby made me sick this morning, because it really wanted greasy fast food. :)
Friday, January 8, 2010
Baby Moves
I felt the baby move! On Monday, Jan. 4. I started feeling this popping in my stomach. I was in the middle of teaching and I just felt it. I brushed it off thinking it was just muscle spasms. It was funny because when I felt it, I was talking and then just stopped mid sentence. The students all looked at me and asked, "Did it kick?" I started laughing and said no but whatever it was felt weird and then we just went on with what we were doing. Then, I felt it later that day and it hasn't stopped this week. On the way home today too, I was sitting still and I felt the tingle "fluttering." So, that just proves that all that popping, poking, and with the fluttering, I have officially started feeling the baby moving! I was thinking that it was so early and that I couldn't possibly be feeling it. I am a member of baby center so I went online to see what others had said. Some had said that they felt it as early as 12 weeks! So, I guess I am not crazy. I also got some text messages from Krystal and she said that she felt it today too! I am so excited!
Friday, January 1, 2010
Baby News

Thank you Amanda!
I am so thankful that I have friends who know how to blog. One of my sorority sisters came to my rescue today. I asked my sister Amanda to help me out with my blog website. Haha, she came to my rescue thank goodness. She created this amazing new background and layout for me. Isn't she the best? There is no way I could have done this. So, THANK YOU AMANDA! :)
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