It was so neat to be able to see her little brain and heart. We can now see all four of the chambers and we got to see the blood flow. Then, she did the heartbeat and we watched the heart go up and down along with the beat. It was incredible! So I guess it is true what they say... fast heartbeat=girl. She is still beating about 150.
Here is the pic that shows the four chambers.
Okay so the Braxton Higgs have started up and oh my gosh do they hurt! I get some mild ones and then all of a sudden it's like really? What is going on in there! I am also feeling her more everyday. I am already uncomfortable and my back has started aching. Last night I tried to stretch out my back but my legs wouldn't fit up to my chest anymore! I kept putting pressure on her and could feel her moving out of the way lol.
Here are some of the 3D pictures taken from the doctor too! It is pretty neat, you can see her in detail. She is so pretty!
I love this, it's almost like she is waving to us.
It looks like she is about to suck her thumb. This one is just adorable.
And of course, the little foot picture.
The doctor also measured everything and said she is weighing in great and measuring on time. We are still looking at July 14th!
We went and bought some baby clothes yesterday too. I think we may have gotten carried away. We just kept finding cute clothes and couldn't help it. I think we got like 7 outfits. We are hoping to maybe get started on the nursery this weekend. I still have to find the bedding. I am wanting to find some nursery rhyme bedding. But I also don't want primary colors, we are doing soft colors and it is hard to find good bedding! If anyone comes up with any or has an idea of where to find it, please send me the ideas.