Sunday, July 25, 2010

First Videos

Here is our Greer getting her first bath at our house. Her Gigi had so much fun! It sounds like she didn't like it but I think it was because she was cold. Since her belly button hadn't healed, she couldn't get it submerged in the water. So, my mom had left her rag on her belly but when she needed to wash her hair, Greer started crying. She now loves her baths!

This next video is Greer's tummy time. She is only 2 weeks in this video and she has been pushing up and lifting her head already for the past week. She started really early throwing back her head so we wanted to see what she would on her stomach. This is what we got...

1 comment:

  1. Awww I miss the little bitty baby stage...wel some of it at least!
