Monday, June 21, 2010

Swelling and Stretch Marks

I have been priding myself in not having any of these the entire time I have been pregnant. Now, all of a sudden BAM! I have both. Greer has started to drop and therefore has started giving me stretch marks. YUCK! They are on the lower portion of my belly. I have been loading up more on the oil but so far, nothing. I am putting it on all the time. Unfortunately it seems to wear off with the way the clothes are fitting. I noticed today that they seem to be rising. My worst fear is that after all this is over I am going to have this horrible looking stomach and be so embarrassed, never to wear a swimsuit again. If anyone knows of any good remedies please tell me. The stretch marks are at least the small red ones that I have been told go away after time. I hope this is true. My wedding rings do not fit anymore. I am pushing the liquids. Yesterday I drank 2 bottle waters in a period of 15 min and then my sweet mom bought me a Rt. 44 Cranberry Limeade from sonic. I can't get enough, I am always thirsty! I hate not being able to wear at least my wedding band. I feel that people look at me and think I am this knocked up girl who isn't married. I should have a shirt that says,"I am married, but my rings don't fit." Maybe that would send out a wrong message though too. Anyways... so I didn't realize how truly swollen my feet were until yesterday before church. I had gotten all dressed and had my make up on and jewelry. I went to go put on my flats and couldn't fit into them. I knew my feet had swollen a little since heels had been out of the picture for several months. So, I thought maybe it was just those pair of shoes. I went to go put on another pair and the same thing. Ugh, I had no shoes to wear and thought about just not going anymore. Really depressing. Both Jordan and my mom said to just wear my crocks, but are you kidding me? I am not gonna be all dressed up and then have on crocks, how ridiculous. So I had to change clothes and went looking horrible. I am so ready for all this to be over and have all of this mess behind me. I am praying for no more stretch marks and that the temperature outside will not continue to rise above 100. I don't think my feet and hands can take anymore. I am counting down until July 12th when she will be here.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Only 3-4 Weeks Left!

I obviously am not the best blogger in the world. I thought that I would be doing so much better than this. At least 2 or 3 entries per month. I think I am averaging maybe 1? Anyway, school got out a couple of weeks ago and I am soooo thankful. Not only to be having a break but being able to sit when I need to. Those kids require so much more energy than I have right now and are too much of a handful. I am easily irritable and constantly uncomfortable so anything will set me off right now. Jordan is being so good during these final weeks with helping more around the house than usual and taking care of other things, like the dog and watering the yard. Since standing for long periods of time is off limits right now, he has even helped out with cooking! Bending over or squating down is very difficult too. The other day we were out shopping around. We are in the process of repainting our dresser to go in the nursery. So we were shopping for paint and other house hold items. I guess I had slippery fingers all day because I kept dropping everything! If Jordan hadn't been with me I wouldn't have even bothered with picking up the things. But when I would drop something, I would sigh and make a face. Jordan would stand there and laugh and then pick it up for me. So, as you know I have been having contractions known as braxton hicks. Well as we have been getting closer to the due date, these contractions have been coming more common and more sharp. They are really annoying and have on occasion caused me to stop in my track. Jordan has started laughing at me now as I walk. Apparently he gets a kick out of me waddling, isn't he sweet? This afternoon I had to get on to him though as it was about the third time he had laughed at me. We are having a garage sale today and tomorrow and with getting things ready I have made my calve muscles sore. So, today I did look funny as I walked. If you can imagine a 9 month pregnant person waddling AND limping at the same time, you can visualize what I look like walking. On a good note, I went to the doctor today for my regular 2 week check up. She told me that I am now 1 cm dialated, 50% effaced, and little Greer is head down and ready to come. She just needs to drop a little more. She keeps having the hiccups and continues to hit my ribs when she has them. It feels funny but it would be nicer if she was sitting a little lower. We scheduled an induction to be on July 12th just in case she has not arrived by then. With school and all the mess of paper work and confusion of getting things situated, it would be easiest if she was right on time or early. I am glad too that we have an actual day and I am not just in limbo. I need to take another picture soon and post it. Maybe I an get that done this week.