Wednesday, February 24, 2010

New Photos!

So we went to the doctor yesterday and everything looks good! :)
It was so neat to be able to see her little brain and heart. We can now see all four of the chambers and we got to see the blood flow. Then, she did the heartbeat and we watched the heart go up and down along with the beat. It was incredible! So I guess it is true what they say... fast heartbeat=girl. She is still beating about 150.

Here is the pic that shows the four chambers.

Okay so the Braxton Higgs have started up and oh my gosh do they hurt! I get some mild ones and then all of a sudden it's like really? What is going on in there! I am also feeling her more everyday. I am already uncomfortable and my back has started aching. Last night I tried to stretch out my back but my legs wouldn't fit up to my chest anymore! I kept putting pressure on her and could feel her moving out of the way lol.

Here are some of the 3D pictures taken from the doctor too! It is pretty neat, you can see her in detail. She is so pretty!

I love this, it's almost like she is waving to us.

It looks like she is about to suck her thumb. This one is just adorable.

And of course, the little foot picture.

The doctor also measured everything and said she is weighing in great and measuring on time. We are still looking at July 14th!

We went and bought some baby clothes yesterday too. I think we may have gotten carried away. We just kept finding cute clothes and couldn't help it. I think we got like 7 outfits. We are hoping to maybe get started on the nursery this weekend. I still have to find the bedding. I am wanting to find some nursery rhyme bedding. But I also don't want primary colors, we are doing soft colors and it is hard to find good bedding! If anyone comes up with any or has an idea of where to find it, please send me the ideas.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Baby News

So I haven't had much to say which could I guess be a good problem to have but then my blog has been pretty boring. Here is the update on what has been going on...

I think we have pretty much finished our baby registering. I didn't know how much there was to regiseter for! I am disappointed with the variety of baby items Target has for you to choose from. We registered for most of our items from Babies R US and Pottery Barn Baby. I think the bedding, stroller, and car seat we are buying ourselves. We are planning on going up to Dallas to go to USA Baby, probably on Tuesday. We are hoping to find our stroller, bedding, and car seat then. We wanted our nursery to be nursery rhymes so if anyone has any ideas of where to find bedding and decorations... let me know!

I feel like I have ballooned up already! I am only 20 weeks and I feel like my belly button is about to pop out already! How early is it supposed to do that? I figure give it one more month and then it will pop out. I bought a bunch of maternity clothes a couple of weeks ago from Gap and Old Navy. They have some really cute ones. I hate buying stuff online because it is hard to get things in your size, but these all fit great!

Tomorrow we go back to the doctor for our 20 week ultrasound! I am scared to weigh in because I know the scale is going to break. Anyways, I just hope and pray that Greer looks good and we have a great no worry check up!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

It's a girl!

I am so excited! Our little Greer Paige will be here in July! I want to go out and start buying EVERYTHING! I went yesterday to get a video ultra sound. My best friend's dad does them which makes it even more special. She is pregnant too and is due the same day that I am. Her parents enjoyed the ultra sound too. Her mom kept saying, that's what our grandbaby looks like right now! :)She was so bashful the entire time. Every time we kept trying to take a picture of her, she kept turning her head away. She didn't want us to see her face I guess. So, sad.. I could see her little ears though and toes and fingers! It is crazy to think that she is the size of my opened hand. She is growing so much! On the way to the visit, I was so nervous. I was afraid that they wouldn't be able to determine the gender, that it wouldn't be very clear. As soon as he got the angle right though, I knew. I was so ecstatic. I have thought from the beginning that it would be a girl but as the time has progressed, I started wondering. I had even had a dream of what our daughter would look like and she was dressed up in her little Christmas outfit. I woke up and told Jordan that we were having a girl. He says he never cared what it would be as long as it was >healthy. I know though that he really wanted a boy. He wanted to be able to play baseball and basketball with him. I told him though that girls can do the same thing and that he will have just as much fun with her as he would with a boy. He may just have to squeeze it in between dance practice and gymnastics. ;)
Well, here are the pictures from the utlra sound. Hopefully I can get the video uploaded soon.

This is her from the side. We kept attempting to have a side profile picture. They would all look good on the screen but then when we were getting ready to take the picture, she turns her head. This is the end result.

This how they determine the gender. If there is a "crack" that means that it is a girl. If there is a "turrle" it means it is a boy. You can definately see there is a crack, so.... we have a girl!!!